March 2020

Are you bored yet? 

Or is your dog bored yet?  It is a really weird time right now with the country in lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus.

In the past couple of months, I've been busy running classes for Kennel Club Good Citizens, puppy socials and 1-2-1 home training covering behaviour and training.  I'd been talking about running some new workshops with Carol Ashworth at the Walkabout Group and Jo Sellers of Pippin Pets.  And it's been a busy time at home with Rupert going to Crufts again in early March.  Luckily it was before the government guidelines and we had a wonderful day even though we came away without a rosette.

And then came the virus... and everything has stopped.  I'm in a high risk category and so is my husband.  So we're in lockdown apart from when I pop out to get some shopping.  I'm sticking to the rules about washing my hands and I have to say, I've never washed them so much!  We live in an apartment just outside of the village and it's nice and quiet so I take the dogs out for a walk three or four times a day to let them have a comfort break and a bit of a sniff.  So far, they aren't bored but I do see them watching out of the window quite a bit.

In my latest newsletter, I've given some tips to how to work from home with your dog without going stir crazy.  I'll be adding the information to the Tips and Techniques page together with some more training information to keep you busy.  I've also done my first video consultation call and Rupert and Edie managed to join in with a recall and a clicker session which was fun!  I'm now offering video calls to help you during this very strange time!  For more information, contact me by email, telephone or through the website.

So stay home, stay safe and don't worry.  We will get through this.

Best wishes,

Sara, Edie and Rupert


August 2020


February 2020