May 2022

The Perfect Triangle of Training

This month has gone so quickly and here we are now at the Jubilee bank holiday weekend ready to party with our dogs! Although to be fair, I’ve been partying without them for most of the month!

Early May saw me attending Impact 2022 in Sunderland, flying up on the Friday and back after the main event on Saturday evening. I felt like a real jet setter. Impact is run by an amazing business coach called Dom Hodgson and he’s great at kicking people up the bottom to get them more focused on their business. He’s now helping me to reorganise the business and focus on what I love doing which is actually training!

With this in mind, I’m delighted to confirm that my friend and groomer, Kathy, is now working with me as my administration assistant. You might get a reply from her if you use our new email address ( as she’ll be answering enquiries and keeping an eye on my diary.

After all this time even I need some help with my daily business and I expect that some of you still need help with you dogs. Or you know someone who needs help with their dog. Part of my job is assisting owners understand their dogs (although I’m not very good at accepting help myself) and giving them the tools to get the dog they want and the life they want for their dog.

As a holistic trainer I am passionate about looking at the dog from nose to tail, including their food, environment and lifestyle. But I also realise that not everyone has the time to work with their dogs in that depth. So I’m launching an ultimate package where I come and train your dogs for you. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t involved but it does mean that your dog will get to learn in a relaxed way before I hand them back to you. This takes out the emotional constraints which go from owner down the lead to the dog! It means that I can improve the dog’s approach to training without the stress. Your dog will want to please you and have fun.

Therefore, Happy Dog = Happy Owner = HAPPY TRAINER! The perfect triangle.

If you are interested in this service please email me and we can chat through your wish list.

Best wishes

Sara, Edie and Rupert.

PS. Salt’s Helping Hounds are still looking for a forever home (or a foster place) for Bailey (see picture) who has been in kennels now since November last year. He really is a dear lad who just wants his own family. For more information contact

PPS. Pass this newsletter on to your friends and get a £5 discount on your future booking when they sign up for training.


March 2022


December 2021