Hello all, can you believe that it’s April already? The good news is that the weather has finally turned good (although we had snow earlier in the week) and the better news is that the lockdown restrictions are being loosened up. I’m off for a hairdo tomorrow and the dogs are both looking fabulous as well!
This month’s tips are about keeping your dog safe on dog walks. It’s been very worrying to know that dogs are being stolen from people’s gardens and on walks and I’m having to teach safety things that I never thought I would have to think about. So recall is now becoming a very serious exercise. I did some Facebook Lives in March and offered a FREE 5-day challenge to help you with your dog’s recall. For owners who felt they could do with some help or have lost the interest of their dog, this challenge was set up to teach owners all about WHY… WHERE… and WHEN to get your dog back. It was great to see so many people who joined the group to learn more about this skill. I had lots of fun and it was, I hope, instructive. Edie and Rupert got in on the act and helped out with lots of appearances in the live broadcasts. You just can’t get the staff! I have a Reliable Recall Guide available if anyone wants a copy.
Finally, I can’t wait to get back to the group sessions and I’ll be doing monthly sessions for puppies and teenagers at Cranleigh Showground. Places are limited and the first sessions are fully booked but if you want to get on the waiting list, let me know.
And the latest on Rupert is that he is now back to full fitness! He’s recovered really well and his scar is totally healed.
Enjoy the sunshine and hope to see some of you soon.
Sara, Edie and Rupert.