As I write this month’s newsletter, it’s a little cooler but the sudden heatwave lasted a lot longer than we were all expecting. How did you and your dogs cope?
My two spent a lot of time chilling out in front of the fan with iced water available when they wanted it. There was a huge debate about not giving ice cubes to dogs but I put them in the water and they melt down quickly. In fact, I have a bottle of water in the fridge because Edie will only drink the water at a certain temperature and only if she gets to go first! There are some tips about keeping your dog cool on the website already.
The Olympic Games in Tokyo started and it got me thinking about what my dogs would choose to do as their Olympic sport. I have tried heel work to music, obedience, ring craft, agility, scent work and lots of other events with my dogs so they are kept busy. Rupert would probably be good at long distance running (especially as we’re still working on his recall) or the high jump as he does like to jump up and down. Edie’s specialist sport would be fencing as she spends ages staring at the fence! And I think she would be good at gymnastics, especially the balance beam as she spends so much time on the back of the sofa! She’s like a mountain goat and being a Bedlington Terrier she looks like one sometimes. What would your dog’s Olympic sport be? I’d love to know and if you send me a picture I’ll post it on Instagram/Facebook.
The social sessions are going well although we’ve had to postpone due to the changeable British Summer weather! Using an outdoor venue is always challenging but I think people are enjoying them. I have spaces on both the puppy and teenage groups available but you will need to book in advance.
Finally, the big news is that I am now opening an office at Smithbrook Kilns! I’ve been putting it off but with the business now building up, its become clear that I need to separate home from work to keep things balanced. I’ll be doing consultations there as well as selling the items I recommend – collars, leads, harnesses, SeaTreats, the Dorwest Herbs range and much more. I can’t tell you how excited I am and I’ll be having a grand opening on Saturday 4th September so save the date and come along for a session or just to say hello! We can all have a coffee at the cafe next door as well. And I’ll be raising funds on the day for Pro Dogs Direct, the rescue based in the South East that we adopted our dear Bella the Bichon Frise from all those years ago. I have worked for Bedlington Terrier Rescue and all my dogs (except Rupert) have been rescues so it’s something I’m very passionate about. If you want to donate direct to them their website is https://prodogsdirect.org.uk/
So me and the dogs have lots of things to work on this month and please get in touch if you need any help. Looks like we are going to be very busy!
Stay safe!
Sara, Edie and Rupert