The last day of the year
Here we are again on New Year’s Eve at the end of another year. 2021 has been unpredictable at best but rather than saying “next year will be better” I’m happy to look back and say it wasn’t too bad for me.
I’ve seen lots of new clients (lots of whom have become friends) and their dogs. It’s been lovely to catch up with previous clients and their dogs too. It’s amazing to see dogs I’ve known from being a pup grow into a lovely settled adult dog. I settled into Cranleigh life and opened my shop/office which has been a real place of tranquility for me and the dogs as well as looking like my original vision. Thanks to my kids and friends who all helped with the decorating and clearing. It’s amazing what two drops of wallpaper can make to a space and to my mental state when I know I did it myself! And we held the grand opening on the weekend of Halloween – thank you all for coming along and celebrating!
As I look back over my training diary it’s the ones I couldn’t help that I worried the most about. Most of my owners are amazing and just want the best for their canine chums. But there were times when I couldn’t help and I had to refer them on to other trainers or behaviourists who would be better placed to assist. It doesn’t happen very often but I’m honest enough to know when it’s time to stop – for the benefit of the canines and the humans alike. When I started my own company I vowed that I would never do any harm with my training and it’s something I’ve kept as my core value. I am sometimes too honest! And I never forget them.
But there have been lots of successes! The Kennel Club Good Citizens classes returned – which I really love teaching and my two new assistants (Liz and Ashley) helped out brilliantly. The KC Bronze course for January is now full and the next one will start in March. Sadly due to our judge getting Covid we couldn’t take the exam in December but all four dogs did the test and are ready now to take their Bronze award with the January group. In fact, one has already gone on and completed the award and is well on her way to becoming a Pets As Therapy dog. And we’ve had to change venue from Cranleigh Village Hall as they are refurbishing the hall for the early part of the year. So we’ll be at Alford Hall instead.
Edie and Rupert both had health problems this year. Rupert is now fully recovered after his bladder crystals problem in March and I was so relieved that the insurance covered his surgery (which was a lot less than the £10,000 the emergency vet quoted) which was a bit of a relief. Edie also had to have three teeth removed after the front lower ones were a bit “wobbly” and it turned out that she had another tooth with an abscess underneath. God love her, she never once complained of being in pain but the change in her since the surgery has been really noticeable. She plays more and has a spring in her step every day now. Rupert has also qualified for Crufts 2022 so we’re off to Birmingham in March with Kathy and her dog, Poppy. He turns five years old on January 3rd and he is now really into his prime. As long as he enjoys the shows we’ll carry on going. And he really does love showing off.
We also went on holiday to Selsey and visited the Weald and Downlands Museum near Chichester where the Repair Shop is filmed (see the picture at the top). It was a glorious few sunny days away at the seaside. In fact, we’ve been all over the country this year even with a trip to Liverpool and Yorkshire. I’m getting better at travelling lightly so I can take all the dogs things!
Towards the end of the year I started working with a rescue again (Salt’s Helping Hounds) and it has been so nice to give something back. I’ve been doing home checks and dog assessments and they will be my rescue of the year so I’ll be raising funds for them at events throughout the year. We raised £100 so far and I’m going to get to £1000 by next New Year’s Eve. And yes, there will be a totaliser in the shop!
So it’s onwards towards 2022. There are lots of new workshops and group sessions coming up as well as new puppies and dogs to meet which is always fun. More teenagers to help with too! Details are below. And I’ve been asked to carry on my column in the Cranleigh Magazine so look out for that as well.
Have a very Happy New Year and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again in 2022!
Sara, Edie and Rupert.
Dates for your diary:
Kennel Club Good Citizens Bronze
Wednesday 5th January 7.30pm – class full
Tuesday 8th March 7.30pm – booking now available
Social sessions at Smithbrook Kilns at 11am
Sunday 16th January – Reactive Rovers session
Sunday 23rd January – Small Dog session
There will be more groups coming up so watch out for the dates.
Workshops – Dates to be confirmed
The Doggie Detectives – an introduction to Scentwork
Come back! Recall Workshop
Canine First Aid course for humans
Rally-O workshop – obedience training made fun