September 2022

Apologies for the lack of updates but lots of things happened and I didn’t get the chance to write my usual updates.  Plus with the heatwaves going over 35 degrees it was too hot to even think about writing anything.

Firstly, the chest infection I thought I had turned out to be something else.  I’ve had my vaccinations, I’ve been carefully washing my hands, using sanitiser and wearing a mask when required.  It’s been easy to stay safe and not succumb to the virus.  But it turned out the cough got worse and after doing a LFT (remember them?) I was positive for Covid-19.  I was lucky that it didn’t get too worse and just a few days resting up helped enormously.  I am so lucky that my clients are really patient and kind that I could put off work for another week.  I am fully recovered although I’ve still got the memory fog (Kathy is really having to keep an eye on me) and my sense of smell is still not quite right.

The move to my new home went well and the dogs have settled in comfortably.  Edie has found her spot on the new sofa and Rupert’s crate is still his safe place.  The day of the move they were very excited and love the new carpet - which as I mentioned last time they’ve never had before!  I can see them both saying “ooh how luxurious” while they roll around like loonies.  And it’s made a change to our routine.  My dogs get four walks a day.  Until now that’s been 15 minutes x 4 with a long walk once a week.  But I now have the chance to spend time with them as I do 15 minutes first thing, 15 minutes lunch break, 30-40 minutes early evening and then a last 10 minutes before bed.  And once a week we’re going to hire a field so they can have a long run off lead.

As you can see, I don’t over exercise my dogs.  They have never really needed a huge amount of exercise and their default is to be with me whether at home, working or walking on lead.  And most of their walks are on lead.  Each dog is different and each breed is different in their needs but I particularly love the fact that my dogs are more relaxed BECAUSE they don’t get too much exercise.

One thing that has come out of the walks is that I realised I don’t work with my dogs much.  So we have our own training time now.  They are learning not to walk on everyone’s gardens to pee or poop.  If they don’t do it now, they won’t do it in future.  I simply don’t allow it.  I wouldn’t like it if a dog pooped on my front lawn so I don’t see why I should encourage my dog to set a precedent in their routine.

I’m also teaching my dogs to behave in public.  Not to “gob off”.  Rupert is the worst but he’s learning that not everyone needs to be shouted at and he’s doing well walking past strange dogs and not barking.  Plus it turned out his heel work was terrible.  So we’ve gone back to the drawing board and he’s learning to walk nicely “with me”.  It’s given me the time to spend with my dogs and to develop my own training techniques.  It’s amazing how a quick 30 minute session can make a difference.

Good news for September is that the group puppy classes are back.  Friday nights in Farnham and Tuesday nights in Alfold.  I’ll be running the KC Good Citizen classes at Alfold on Tuesdays from 8.15pm straight after the puppy group.  And I may have found a new venue for the social sessions and workshops.  So I’ll be sending out details regularly with all the start dates.

Finally, Rupert did go to Windsor Dog Show and qualified for Crufts 2023.  He showed his socks off and was absolutely stunning.  I’ve had a few enquiries for some ring craft classes but I’m not sure i will have time.

Hope to see you all soon!

Best wishes

Sara, Edie and Rupert.

PS. I took the dogs to the seaside for a Bedlington Terrier Meet up which was amazing. 25 Bedlingtons on the prom and not a sound between them. Edie hates the beach (more next time) so it wasn’t much of a birthday treat for her! She turned 9 years old on the 14th August and Tate turned 15 on the 16th so they did get a pork pie each!


October 2022


June 2022