Hello from my sofa! It’s been very full on this month and (you all know me so well) the office is still not ready to open. Blame my lovely daughter, Julia, who decided last minute that I should only open when the place is looking beautiful and completely ready. I spent last weekend doing the painting and putting up curtains. This weekend I’m doing some wallpapering. It’s a labour of love for me right now as I’m fed up of working from home!
September has been very busy with lots of lovely puppies to see as well as the social sessions which have now finished for the season and will be back in the spring. I’ve been working with a couple of rescue dogs too which has been really challenging and then of course, there’s the teenagers who always keep me on my toes. But I wonder how many of you know what goes on behind the scenes? As a dog trainer it looks very simple in my diary to say I have three appointments a day, five days a week (usually) so that’s about a 15 hour week. Or is it?
Well actually no. It doesn’t include the time to travel between appointments which as I cover most of Surrey and some of Sussex can be an hour each way. It doesn’t include lunch or refreshments in the car as I don’t have time to stop (humbugs and cola keep me going). And that hour doesn’t include the experience I have gained through courses and years of training. During that hour with you, I’m having to work out a programme of training that compliments you and your dog. Or I’m trying to find out what your dog is worrying about or what YOU are worrying about. I work on the individuals rather than trying to squash everyone into one way of training. It’s the personal touch that I think people appreciate.
Back home, there’s the enquiry emails and reports, all of which take time to answer and write up. Most nights I’m still typing away long after dinner to catch up. There’s marketing to do, my column in the local Cranleigh magazine to write (this month it’s about getting ready for Fireworks Night), courses to set up, venues to book, invoices to send, the diary to organise (especially if I have to change appointments due to COVID pings, petrol shortages or client requests), calls back and the website to update (don’t get me started on that I was still updating it at 10pm the other night). Plus I’m buying in stock to sell in the office so I’m looking for good things to sell as well as finishing the office refurb.
Also there are courses that I do to keep my skills up to date. Currently, I’m about to finish a two year behaviour course and my animal reiki course. Next year I’ll hopefully be doing a more comprehensive T-Touch course which will be about another two years to complete. Oh and the books. Five dog training books to write up and publish. I have them in my head and in my notes but it’s finding time to actually write them down!
But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Being self employed means a lot to me and I can work my own hours, spend time with my dogs, my family and friends. It’s definitely a way of life rather than just a business. And seeing my clients happy at the end of the session is the best tonic I can have. You have no idea sometimes how much you cheer me up! So now you know what a dog trainer’s life is like!
Finally, as you may have seen on instagram Edie had a tick this week! EEk! I got it off (turn it anti clockwise) and put some Sudacreme on the bump which took the swelling down and made sure it didn’t get infected. I’ll be putting her tick and flea collar on her for a few days to keep her safe from all those horrible bugs around at this time of year. She has improved from being so poorly last month and is due to have two teeth removed next week which should make her much more comfortable. I do clean their teeth with the fabulous Dorwest Herbs Roast Dinner toothpaste. Yum! Don’t forget I stock a range of Dorwest products including the Valerian Compound and Valerian and Scullcap tablets to help with anxiety. Ideal for fireworks night. I’m surprised I don’t take it myself sometimes!
Hope you all stay well and get some petrol! Just another worry to keep me on my toes…!
Happy October from Sara, Edie and Rupert!