Dear All
I don’t know where August went but it was supposed to be quiet enough for me to get the office set up and opened. Unfortunately, I have had very little time to myself so the deadline slipped back but I can tell you I have some exciting plans for the office so keep checking on Instagram to see how it’s coming along!
The social sessions on Saturday mornings have started up again and we talked about going into autumn with your dogs. We have Bonfire Night, Christmas and the dark mornings and nights to come so head over to the website for this month’s article about what to do when summer is over and how to stay positive.
My Canine Reiki course is going well and I had to use some of the healing on my own dogs. Edie has a problem with her teeth (she’s due to have two removed) and blood tests showed that she had increased enzymes in her liver, which for a Bedlington Terrier can be quite a big concern. She also came down with a stomach bug which then passed to Rupert. Both of them were off their food for a few days and even fillet steak or chicken wouldn’t work. Giving them tablets was also a challenge. Edie will take hers in a blob of pate on a gravy bone. Rupert thinks everything is a trick so refuses even his favourite treat. I’ll be writing up another article about how to look after your dog when it’s poorly next month based on my experiences. Luckily the vets have been amazing and they are both now back to good health. Thank you to all the clients who were so flexible and reset assured, I was sanitising between all the pups I met.
Finally, I am hoping to have a venue sorted out in Loxwood for the Kennel Club Good Citizen Bronze course to start in October. I have a waiting list but if you are interested please contact me for more information.
Enjoy the last of the summer sun and hope to see you all soon.
Sara, Edie and Rupert x
Latest Update: We went to Wetherby to the National Bedlington Terrier Championship Show and Rupert took second place in Limit Dog. Which means he’s qualified for Crufts 2022. He’s even more full of himself! Hope your dogs managed to go to some of the lovely local dog shows and have fun too!